© 2020 Sabine Chachati.
– Joy Golliver
Within you is the innate wisdom and courage to design an amazing life you love. Together, we will create space for you to connect with your authenticity and intuition so you may heal, grow and live a life of significant meaning.
My clients have written books, started companies, earned promotions, and nurtured more fulfilling relationships with themselves and others. Are you ready to hack your health, happiness and growth? Reach out to me for a complimentary discovery call and learn how you can start today!
Imagine a life filled with joy, peace and contentment. You are aligned with your values and aware of your purpose. You wake up each morning ready to serve and confident of the value you bring to the world.
I can help you achieve that.
Personal coaching is a journey we take together into your inner self where you discover what really matters to you, your life’s passion, and your personal strength. By learning to practice mindfulness, loving kindness and compassion, first with yourself and then with others, you will be able to live from a place of authenticity and courage and inspire others to do the same.
Learn to be clear about your intentions and how to set them in order to live a meaningful life.
Identify your goals, define what is important to you and follow the guidance of your soul.
Recognize emotional triggers and develop the emotional intelligence required for you to live in alignment with your values.
Communicating Boundaries
Learn to prioritize your needs and effectively communicate them. Never again say ‘yes’ when you mean ‘no’.
Authentic Expression
Embrace your vulnerability and step into your personal power. Shower yourself with love and acceptance.
Transcending Limits
Befriend your mind & tap into the power of your subconscious to breach the gap between what you want and what you believe you can have.
The coach commits to your journey and goals, showing up from a place of non-judgement and compassion and walking alongside you on your journey, all the while, creating a safe space, maintaining confidentiality and nurturing trust.
The client must be committed to show up with a curious mind, ready to commit the time and energy to implementing the learning after every session.
Most of all be positive and I will be there to encourage and support you along the way.
– Nelson Mandella
Designed and developed by Ayah AlRashdan
© 2020 Sabine Chachati.