PAUSE. Go Within. Time for Reflection

December 28, 2021 | | Motivation, Self Development |

And just like that, almost in a blink of an eye, the end of 2021 is upon us…

The coming of the festive holidays is an invitation for us to take a pause. And while it may sound like a cliché, a pause may be just what we need to find peace in the present moment.

After all, this year has been one of dualities.

A part of us still wanted to believe like it was possible to go back to the way life once was—to endless busyness, crowded cafés, and constant consumption.

Yet another part of us knows that we have come too far, and too much has changed, that the novelty of the “new” normal is already wearing off. In fact, much of the old ways and paradigms are dying or dead and rebirth has already taken place.

And as the closing of yet another chapter of our lives nears, we are offered this wonderful opportunity to reflect—to mentally scroll through the various events that marked the year, to explore the challenges, blessings, and milestones, and to remember all of humanity’s collective experiences.

It’s a nudge towards greater compassion as we examine the events in our lives with wisdom, seeking only to learn from our experiences and grow.

It’s a reminder of the fragility of life as many of us may have had to say goodbye to loved ones before we were ready to let them go.

It’s an appreciation towards the volatility of material comfort, as many of us may have lost jobs and businesses yet possibilities and opportunities are infinite.

It’s a call to read the signs and messages that the universe shares with us and take proactive steps towards preserving our planet.

Indeed, the crisp December air is a powerful time to take that pause—no matter how uncomfortable—and ask ourselves the necessary, tough questions that can help us grow and thrive.

But first… What does it mean to take a pause?

The Power in the Pause

To pause is to give ourselves permission to take a break for a few hours or even a full day to gift ourselves the time and space to review the past year.

During the pause, we allow ourselves to be observers. As such, to choose to pause is to shift our mindset, clear our mind, and intentionally prepare our space to review the year with an open heart, curiosity, and compassion.

We set an intention to go within and play the entire movie of the year, embracing every scenery without judgment. We remember that every scene in a movie has a purpose and contributes to the fullness of the whole. Every scene holds for us a gift, allowing us to expand and grow evermore.

The pause is a date with your most authentic self. It’s a sacred time with the most intimate part of you.

Here, we can be honest, open, and vulnerable with ourselves and truly offer ourselves the love that we have always been worthy of.

We may choose to take a walk, sit at our favourite natural spot, or even light a candle.

And when you feel ready, these questions can help inspire you to look deeper into a few areas of your rich life


  • Who were my biggest teachers who contributed to my personal growth this year?
  • What qualities do I need to develop to be the best version of myself?
  • What am I willing to forgive moving forward?


  • How have I shown up for my loved ones this year and how can I be more present, compassionate, and authentic in my relationships?
  •  Which relationships no longer serve me that I am willing to let go of? Which ones are worthy of greater nurture, care, and attention?
  • For those of us who have lost loved ones, how can we hold them close to our hearts so that they stay alive? How can we best honour their memory?


  • How can I cultivate more empathy, humility, and be more at service in my leading role?
  • How am I expressing my higher purpose through my day-to-day work activities with my team?


  • How am I contributing to the wellbeing of this planet?
  • How can I walk on Earth remembering that I am simply a resident and yet honour the interconnection between all things?


During the pause, as you near the end of the movie, remember grace.

A moment of grace for what you have received.

A moment of grace for what you have given.

A special thank you to the invisible actors that have made their own unique contributions to your movie.

And heartfelt gratitude for the here and now.